My Paleo Story

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Congratulations...Brace Yourself!

First of all - to all of us who have made it through our first 2 days of CleanLeanMean15 - CONGRATULATIONS!  The first day is easier than the second day - it's new, it's exciting, it's promising and then on the second day it gets REAL.  The first time I did this - day two was my "thumb sucking day"...poor me...poor no Coke Zero me. 

Anyway, congrats on making it through the "feel sorry for yourself" day.

I went back and looked through the bit of journaling I did during my first 30 days of strict Paleo eating and found that Day 3 or Day 4 is the "Headache Day".  I believe I described it this way...

oh.  my.  goodness…. it’s here.  The headache I was properly warned of in all written info on the Whole30.  It’s not a migraine.  It’s not debilitating.  It’s just a dull thudding behind and between my eyes.  Apparently, I am detoxing from the demon sugar.  Or the demon carbs.  Or the demon dairy. Some demon is surely responsible!

I woke up fine, but before I had both kids to school...BAM!

So, here's my gift to you.  From one 3-time squeaky clean eater to all you new squeaky clean eaters...take a Tylenol when you get out of bed.  Just one.  And take one throughout the day (you know your tolerance - if you can't or don't take pain relievers - don't take one.   If you you'd rather wait until you have the headache...that's fine too!...This is where I mention that I am NOT a doctor or nutritionist or headache specialist, just someone sharing their personal experience). 

Why suffer the headache?  You made a conscience choice to remove all the bad stuff from your diet.  You are cleaning house.  You are making choices.  You don't need your body to send you a "signal" that you need to change.  So nip that headache in the bud.  Take a Tylenol before it grabs you by the eyebrows and won't let go...that is just my opinion, not medical advice, but I REALLY wish someone had suggested that to me before the demon sugar/carbs/dairy had taken hold of my brain and squeezed!

In my family, some of us got the headache on Day 3, for others, it was Day 4.  As I said - it wasn't debilitating, but it made me tired.  And cranky.  And want to crawl back into bed. 

The Whole30 website says "Many Whole30'ers report headaches, fatigue and general malaise during this part of the program (Day 3).  This, my dear, is completely normal.  Your body is working it's way through a whole host of junk it stored from the food (or food-like products) you used to eat.  This process lasts a day for some, but for others it can take longer."

If you binged on everything you'd be giving up right before starting - you may be an extra day or two of blah.  Drink lots of water.  Eat a variety of foods.  And make sure you have more food than you think you will need - you really don't want to couple 'blah' with "Hangry".

My headache lasted one day.  I had some muscle aches the following day.  Physically, those were my only two negatives throughout my first 30 days of clean eating.  I still fantasized about wheels of Parmesan and swore I could hear the sound of someone opening a Coke Zero from about a hundred yards...but that only lasted 10 days or so. 

I was amazed at how quickly I broke my addictions to food.  How quickly I could be at a table with someone eating nachos and not want to bury my face in them and just inhale!

Trust me - it gets easier and easier, but these next couple of days may bring some uncomfortable physical milestones.  Stay strong.  Find support.  Enjoy answering questions and talking about your journey.  And find a few moments to jot down how you're feeling. 

Everyone's experience is different - especially since all of us have a different history going into this 15 days of CleanLeanMean eating.  But what an awesome gift you are giving yourself.  I'm excited to hear how everyone is doing/feeling/craving/behaving.  Keep up the great work!

Many Whole30ers report headaches, fatigue, and general malaise during this part of the program. This, my friends, is completely normal. Your body is working its way through a whole host of junk it stored from the foods (or food-like-products) you used to eat. This process lasts a day for some folks, but for others it can take a few days longer. Relax, drink a lot of water, and keep making good choices. - See more at:

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