My Paleo Story

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nearly Driven to Drink...a Coke Zero!

It's been months since I had my last diet soda (my lifelong addiction).  And other than the first week of Paleo eating - it's been just as long since I craved one.

Until today!

The day started out really well.  I was in the groove.  The morning routine went off without a hitch.  The kids were lovely and on time and nothing important went missing or found in the dirty clothes.  Beds got made, healthy lunches got packed, the coffee was GOOOOOOOOD and the car-rider line was without thoughtless, bullish drivers.  Perfect!

I walked the dog.  I tidied the kitchen.  I was having a good hair day.  I ran an errand, saw my husband, had a bowl of spicy chicken and veggie soup and decided, since I was already on that side of town - to do a bit of Christmas shopping.

2 lackluster cashiers, 1 downright surly stock man, 2 computer searches, 2 phone calls (one from a lackluster cashier and one from me), a 25 minute drive, a lovely sales associate and a dismissive store manager of some sort later and I was an anxiety-ridden caffeine junky.  I was "Jones'ing" for a Coke Zero.

Not immediately.  But, as I was on hold with the corporate office and "customer relations manager" for the store that ticked me off, I walked into that haven of pleasant retail - Target and there they were.  Bottles of iced-cold Coke Zero with cute little holiday sayings (well done, Coca-Cola for this personalized branding campaign...brilliant!) in the coolers by the check out.

And I honestly had to talk myself out of buying and guzzling one right there.

Clearly, I have stress issues.  Anxiety caffeine needs.  And will always think of unhealthy, nostalgic, overly-processed foods and drink as a reward for a "tough day".

One pair of teenage boy pants and some pretty lousy training, attitudes, promotions and communication, coupled with a complete lack of giving-a-darn nearly pushed me off the wagon!

Food addiction is about so many different things.  And even though I have been so strong for so long - I was tempted today.  It was weird.  It passed, but it keeps flitting through my brain.  Sometimes I am so proud of myself for not giving in and sometimes I feel vulnerable that after all these months, I can still feel so weak in a stressful situation.

The best part is - the "customer relations manager" was patient and understanding and let me vent and seemed to actually care that I had the worst experience.  I still lost nearly 2 hours of my life to this, but I felt better for having gotten to tell my side and I didn't cave to the siren song of The Zero.

Yay me! Who knew Christmas shopping could be so dangerous!?

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