My Paleo Story

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

PaleoPlus Holiday Survivial

Well, it's official.  The holidays are here and everywhere I turn - baked goods!

I'm a sucker for baked goods.  All of them, if I must be honest....but especially those made with frosting.  Or icing.  Or a sugary glaze.  Or a sugary crumble.  So, all of them!

And yes, I can make compliant versions in my home, but those aren't the ones showing up at events and parties.  And I have been fine!  I won't lie and say I never think about eating something lovely and full of all the things that make me feel wretched, but I really have avoided temptation without any struggle.

Here are a couple of my strategies....feel free to add your survival tips to the comments!

1.  Bring something you CAN eat to the get-together.  And not veggies or fruits.  Those are always there (you just have to avoid the dip!).  Bring something you crave.  If I'm in a savory mood - I bring meatballs and a dipping sauce or these cauliflower sausage "puffs" that I just discovered.  If it's a sweet-tooth kind of day - I bring brownies or mini-chocolate chip cookies or coconut macaroons dipped in dark chocolate.  That way I can have the raw fruits and veggies that I know will be there AND have something really special without feeling deprived!

2.  Eat before the party.  Probably my absolute favorite perk of PaleoPlus eating is the fact that I never get bloated.  Never.  I can eat a full meal and everything stays the same size.   So, I can eat before putting on a cute outfit.  And let's be honest - everything is cuter when you are a few sizes smaller than last year's holiday parties!  So, I eat before I go to take the edge off any hunger pangs that might be lurking.

3.  Move away from the goodie table.  The best part of holiday gatherings is getting to catch up with friends you don't see all the time.  But I never stand by the food anymore.  It's too tempting to graze the entire time.  I get a drink, make a plate and move into the living room or at least out of arm's reach of the giant plate of sugar cookies...did I mention that I love baked goods?

4.  Bring sparkling water.  No one is surprised when you show up with something to drink, so bring your favorite sparkling water.  I am loving LaCroix Peach Pear and Passionfruit right now.  And the Trader Joe's Lime.  Those are my go-to drinks.  Add some orange slices or lemons and limes and it's a festive drink!  I tend to avoid alcohol at parties because I have to drive home, but also because alcohol loosens my resolve!  But mostly it's the idea of me in court facing a DUI!

5.  Find a friend who knows your journey.  If you've adopted the PaleoPlus lifestyle, chances are, most of your friends know about it.  Find one of them.  It's so much easier to stay true to your new habits when you don't have to explain yourself.  Most people won't notice what you are or aren't eating anyway.  You are the only one paying attention.  Be proud of yourself, but don't preach and don't try and convert anyone. 

6. I also try and get a workout or walk in before the party.  Moving always clears my head and sets me up for success.  Even just 5-10 minutes of stretching to release any stress before you head out the door - especially if you're a stress eater, will make it easier for you to make healthy choices.

My other motivation for staying true to clean eating is just how bad I feel after I have had gluten, dairy or too much sugar.  Those are my biggest triggers.  And I am too busy this time of year to feel like crap.  So, I guess that's why I've made it through the start of this holiday season without too much trouble.  Whatever the reasons or strategy or motivation - Paleo eating is the best thing I have ever done for myself and I'm not about to throw it away for a cookie!

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