My Paleo Story

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Clean Eating Road Trip

Hopefully you all planned better than I did - but today, on the 6th day of my Clean Eating Kick Start I'm headed out of town.  My daughter has a cheer competition 5 hours away.  That means eating out at least 3 meals, maybe 4. 

If this were my first 30-day program, I would pack way too much food (I did that last time!) or spend far too much time on the internet trying to find restaurants and menu items that matched my clean eating crusade...And let's be honest...I have no say in where we are eating.  The plans are to satisfy 40 middle school cheerleaders!.  I also panicked.  Worried.  Fretted. 

BUT, most importantly, I survived!

This time around, I am being practical in my planning.  I mean, c'mon - if it takes planning to eat at home - it obviously takes planning to eat on the road for 2 days!

Here are my must have items for a Clean Eating Road Trip:
  • A small purse-size cooler (I carry mine as my purse so no one stops me!)
  • Containers for the cooler to hold almond milk and almond butter
  • Tessamae's Cracked Pepper dressing
  • RX Bars  for emergencies (I like all of them, but the pumpkin and blueberry are my faves)
  • A larger cooler for waters, veggies and fruit
  • A variety of fresh veggie & fruit snack packs (carrots, celery, cauliflower, snap peas, grapes, pears, orange slices)
  • Lemon and lime wedges for waters
  • Water bottles
  • 2 or 3 LaCroix's
  • Cubed grilled chicken or lunch meat
  • Plantain chips (for salsa if you end up in a Mexican restaurant!)
I expect to eat eggs and fruit for breakfast with a giant cup of coffee and almond milk.  I will have a salad topped with a grilled chicken breast or a plain baked sweet potato with salsa and a side salad for any other meal with my Tessamae's dressing.  I may eat more snacks than I usually do because I will be in an unfamiliar environment and my daughter will be competing - I can be very snack-y when I'm tense!  So I will have healthy, whole, natural snacks on hand so I'm not tempted to cheat or have any excuse to feel sorry for myself because everyone else is eating jalapeno poppers or something and I'm just sitting on my hands!

Paleo eating is a breeze for me now - Squeaky Clean eating is always a challenge.  A challenge I gladly undertake - because the benefits are amazing!

So, I'm off to the store to pick up a few things while the last load of laundry is finishing up.  I have faith we will finish strong - in the cheer competition AND on our Clean Eating Kick Start!

Fingers crossed - feel free to comment with your Road Trip must-haves...I might need to add them to my list!!!

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