So, today is Day 13 of our Clean Eating Kick Start. I'm in a good place, but I am happy to have eliminated belly bloat more than I can express with mere words! My kids have the hardest time on the weekends, so they may not be as excited. I treated them with banana berry smoothies this morning - and left out the chia seeds! On Saturday mornings, teenagers could care less about nutrients or fiber or omega-3s...they care about being normal teenagers and not feeling deprived that they aren't at a donut shop or popping a pasty in the toaster (which we no longer have on our countertop - because - WHY!?)
I follow a lot of like-minded Paleo/Primal/Clean Eating converts and newbies on social media - I love the tips and recipes and inspiring stories and photos. And it seems that Day 13 is as inconsistent as any day of a 30-day Clean Eat.
Some people are bloated from the new way their digestive system is processing food AND the new amounts of fresh food (especially raw veggies) they are eating. Some people are already experiencing the extreme energy that comes from turning your body into a lean, mean, fat-burning machine and celebrating it! Lots of people have gotten bored with the program - usually because they don't have or aren't taking time to plan and eating the same 3 things over and over and over. Some are angry because of the perceived "sacrifice" of not being able to have a beer or a slice of pizza or a bite of the dessert at the table. (Listen, once you complete 30 days of clean eating and make the switch to a Paleo diet - you will be able to have that bite or that slice and stay in control and get right back to a healthy diet, but you have to clean it out, purge the crap, reset your metabolism before you can cheat! It's only 30 days for goodness sake - you can do it!) And some are enjoying the end of unhealthy cravings and food addiction. It's all over the map!
Anyway, I got a wonderful slice of opinions as I was not getting out of bed this morning! (I can't remember the last time I didn't have to set an alarm...bliss!) I wandered around Instagram and Facebook and Twitter (and yes, those are shameless links to my sites - please follow me for tips, recipes, random thoughts and pics from my kitchen!) and caught myself wondering who of you is going through the same things. I love hearing from folks at any stage of a Clean Eat - but Day 13 is especially interesting.
And if you've already thrown in the Clean Eating towel - guess what?! You don't have to start on January 1 or January 4 or any other specific day. Just start - again! If you want to simplify it and get the maximum benefit - try cutting out sugars and artificial sweeteners. Completely! It will still limit your choices, but it will allow you to eat a few things that aren't strictly paleo - corn and rice come immediately to mind. They have provided some normalcy and comfort (sorry, but for many of us, food will always be comfort) to people who want change, but need to enter the Paleo pool from the steps and not jump off the diving board!
Non-gluten grains effect less people with inflammation and intolerance than a lot of the other non-paleo compliant foods, so you may still experience many of the gut-cleansing benefits of going 100% clean. I don't tolerate corn these days - maybe because it's been so long since I've eaten it...and let's be honest - you never really digest corn! And don't tell me you haven't stared at the whole, undigested kernels in the toilet 2 or 3 days after you've "eaten" them and they came out with a bowel movement!!!
Okay - now I'm rambling! And talking about poop...jeez!
I hope 13 is your lucky number - whether it's a burst of healthy energy, or the end of your unhealthy cravings, or increased mobility from decreased inflammation, but if it's not and you are bloated or bored or ticked off - stay the course...the rainbow is right around the corner.
If you've already gone off the Paleo's to a new-found resolve to commit to a Paleo Lifestyle for your health and well being and future. Let Day 13 be your beginning - there's no rule that says you have to give up for good just because you slipped up. This is difficult - all positive change is!
Enjoy your weekend. I think we are all pretty fabulous no matter the day we are having!
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