And what a year it has been! I got to spend yesterday reflecting on 2015 and planning for 2016. It was so much fun looking back and sharing memories and photos and texts and tweets with my daughter - there was a lot of eye-rolling going on! But you only live once, so you might as well be silly and have some fun.
We also were able to see the amazing physical transformation our family has made...just look at the difference from May until now...
And today - we will take down most of the twinkly lights (I can never give them all up at once) and pack up the Christmas decorations until next November and start mentally preparing for life to go back to "normal". The kids to go back to school. The traffic to pick back up on the freeway. And a Family Clean Eating Kick Start!
The key word for me in that phrase is START! PaleoPlus New Year's Tip #10. The final step to 30 days of strictly clean eating....START!
If you're going to do this - and you know you can - do a couple of things to motivate you, make you more accountable and document where you are starting from.
- Sign a contract with yourself - a commitment. Write it up (or use a version of this one), sign it and hang it up somewhere you will see it - I put mine on my fridge!
- Tell someone you trust about your decision and ask them to check in on you throughout the month. That way you have someone to talk to, tell stories to and share any struggles with. You'll also have someone to brag to about your accomplishments! Knowing they will check up on you will make it easier to stay the course. We never want to disappoint our friends and family.
- Take a before picture. You don't have to share it. But you should document your starting point. A PaleoPlus diet can completely change your body shape as you become a fat-burning machine. You will be amazed to look at before and after photos throughout your it's important that you HAVE a before photo.
- Take a deep breath and START.
If you are contemplating changing your diet to feel better and look better and finally be in control of your health and well-being - then there is a good chance you need to do it. Putting it off and making excuses and bargaining with yourself about "a better time" isn't going to change that.
So, just START!
There were difficult days and surprisingly easy days and then, for me, magically on day 12 - I was hooked and my cravings and food addictions were gone. My husband's d-day was day 15. You can do anything for 15 days...but only if you START.
Good luck. If you find yourself struggling and decide you want a coach and a more structured program and live in the Fort Worth, TX area - contact me and I'll bring you the kitchen must-haves and be there for you for the entire 30 days! I really want to help others experience what I's too important not to share!
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