Thursday, December 24, 2015

Buddy Up! - PaleoPlus New Year Tip #3

This could be one of the simplest, yet most impactful tips of this 10 Step series...if you are going to adopt clean, natural eating in 2016...Find a PaleoPlus Buddy!

I am a social being, so I find everything more enjoyable when I am in the company of others.  I also enjoy being alone.  I am very much like my mother in that I need a little time each day without any distractions.  Time to myself.  I like to think I am the "best of both worlds"!

BUT - I am positive that adopting an entirely new way of eating was easier because I was doing it with my family.  It gave me someone to commiserate with when I was missing bread.  It gave me someone to celebrate with when my jeans were loose.  It gave me someone to bounce meal ideas off of when I was stuck planning dinner.  It gave me a safe group that wouldn't try and sabotage my success (and yes, even your best friends will do this...for a variety of reasons, some of them not so flattering).  And it made it more fun and ultimately, easier.

If you read anything I have written about my PaleoPlus journey, you know that by Day 11, I was hooked.  My cravings had subsided.  My sleep had improved dramatically.  My body felt 10 years younger.  Aches and pains were disappearing.  And, although I was not stepping on a scale for 30 days, I knew I was losing weight faster and more effortlessly than I had ever lost weight in my entire life!  So, I could have probably let my family off the hook on Day 12, but they were experiencing the same benefits and I am first and foremost - a mom!

That's my story.

Do a little research on the internet or in medical journals or Shape magazine or wherever you like to get your information and you will find incredible statistics showing the benefits of having a partner or community when you embark on a major lifestyle change.  Quitting smoking, dieting, exercise, giving up alcohol, saving money, reading more books - everything improves when you do it WITH someone.

Making lifestyle changes without social support is hard.  Sometimes impossible to maintain.  When you have your family or best friend or coworkers around you to encourage you - or better yet - make changes WITH you, your success increases.  For all of you.  You support them, they support you - everybody wins.

I found that when I was having a less-than-committed day - my husband was on a roll and positive and encouraging.  When my kids were whining about not being able to eat the same things as their friends at lunch time, I was able to find the energy to add something special (and Paleo) into their lunch with a note or promise of a non-food reward for sticking to it.  It made us stronger as a family.

On a side note...switching to a Paleo diet is drastic if you are eating a standard, modern American diet, so be prepared for your family, friends and coworkers to tell you all the reasons you shouldn't switch to Paleo or look at you like you've lost your mind when you explain Paleo to them.  I have worked with clients who have had to "go it alone" at home, only to have their spouses and children make the switch once they started seeing the amazing results their Paleo partner was having!  So, you may not start out with your family on board, but there is a good chance they will join you when they see how much better you look and feel. 

One warning - picking the wrong partner is worse than not having a partner.  If you try and drag someone along with you (meaning, they really don't want to do this) - they will use every opportunity to try and get you to quit or cheat or be negative.  The opposite of why you picked a Paleo Buddy in the first place.  You need to have an emotional connection or mutual respect with your partner.  That way you will do your best not to disappoint each other and you will be sincerely happy for each other's successes.

If you can't find a buddy - I would encourage you to join a group or find a coach.  I will be coaching a group in January (check out Clean Eating Kick Start for more information) and there are numerous online communities where you can ask questions or find support.

Tomorrow, I'll talk about Focusing On the Positives of Paleo!

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