Sunday, December 20, 2015

Considering Paleo for the New Year?

My decision to switch to a Paleo diet did not follow my past patterns for making changes to improve my health.  Usually, I would do a New Year's Resolution or have a special event I was getting ready for, or the bathing suits were showing up in the stores causing me distress and anxiety.

Instead, it was a series of random events (3 in the course of about 90 minutes) that planted the idea and then flipped the switch.

I also know I had no intention of making this a lifestyle, but by Day 11 of squeaky-clean eating, I was SOLD!  I felt so much better in such a short time that there was no turning back.  I was sleeping through the night, the pain in my feet and hips and lower back was gone and for the first time in years and my jeans were fitting like jeans and not denim compression leggings...very exciting!

Anyway, I know from talking to lots of folks that Paleo is something they are considering or wanting to learn about for 2016, but it can be overwhelming.  There is a LOT of information out there.  And the changes are significant.

That's why I am going to share 10 tips over the course of 10 days leading up to the New Year to help you ease into a healthier, more natural way of eating.  10 things you can do to prepare a little bit each day to make the switch that can change your life.

I am a Paleo success story.  Not a doctor or dietitian or physician or personal trainer.  I am a regular person.  A mom with 2 teenagers.  A daughter of Alzheimer's.  A woman who's body was breaking down rapidly.  A life-long lover of bread and cheese and diet sodas.

And I did it!  We all did.  My entire family is healthier, thinner, more energetic and focused than ever since making the change.

And my hope is that everyone will give this a go.  So many of the things we eat every day - even the ones that we have been told are "healthy" or "better for us" are sabotaging our bodies with inflammation and all manners of intolerance.  Getting back to eating real food without glutens, grains, soy, legumes, dairy and all the refined sugars and artificial sweeteners is a way for us to celebrate our bodies.  To achieve optimal health.

Follow along from December 22 to December 31 for 10 easy steps to get you, your family and your pantry ready for a Paleo New Year.  And then, join me and my family as we spend the month of January eating a squeaky-clean diet of real, wholesome, delicious foods to get our systems back under control after this 'not-so-squeaky-clean' holiday season!

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